The Power of Global
We live in a connected world. One that knows no bounds when it comes to the ability to reach the world with a message. Anyone, anywhere can spin up a website, write a few words and they’re instantly connected to the world. Yet in our globally connected world, we still have to deal with how the message is delivered. More and more the reach of our message comes from the ability to connect to the screens of our readers faster and do so in the most secure way possible. This is why the announcement last week by Pantheon that they have released a global CDN teamed up with free HTTPS sets a new bar for how to build a network for the connected world.
Anyone who’s also had the chance to work with the team at Pantheon knows their ambition for a democratized web, with a level playing field for all. They started out by creating a platform where development was free, no strings attached. Then they set out to put the best tools in the hands of developers and agencies to better create sites and serve their clients; which they did when every site on the platform (even the free developer sites) had the power of New Relic to monitor and tune performance at no cost. Now, with this new release, every site is delivered from one of 36 POPs (point of presences) all over the world and done so over a secure HTTPS connection from Let’s Encrypt.
We have had the pleasure of working closely with the team at Pantheon both prior to and since our release of Lockr. We too feel that the best of technology should be available to all, which is why we also set out to have free development and a cost of service that allows sites no matter their size to stay secure at little to no cost. While Lockr works on any server, any platform, anywhere in the world, it’s no secret that our deepest integration to date is that with the Pantheon platform. Which is why this announcement is exciting for us as well.
Combining Pantheon’s HTTPS for all with Lockr’s ability to keep secrets such as API tokens, passwords, and encryption keys safe ensures that websites will stay secure and information stored in it will stay where it should.

Currently, Lockr has POPs in the United States and the European Union but we too have a more global ambition. In the coming months, we’ll preview what we’ve been working tirelessly on to bring secrets management to the entire globe. Until then, join us in congratulating Pantheon on making a big step to bring sites to the corners of the globe in the fast and secure way our connected world demands.